Yes! Another new beginning. This time as a digital crazy quilt. I’m excited!

CuriousCitizen log 202407241219 – This is my foundation page. I will randomly <update> it so …

The concept of a digital garden has been in my head and in my notes for some time. Lots about it resonate for me, but I don’t garden, and I don’t want to, digitally or otherwise. I’ve been decluttering my artmaking studio – slowly, spurt by spurt – and it’s starting to feel like a place where I will be able to reimagine my artistic practice. Grammarly wants to fix so many things, and maybe later I’ll let it – but for now, I’m going to just let the stream-of-consciousness flow.

A crazy quilt better describes my thinking process, so that’s the metaphor I will use as I start publicly documenting some of my ideas and thinking. I’ll work through some stuff here and some stuff not here—not really in private but on paper. Maybe I’ll post some pictures and/or maybe I’ll type in the notes. This digital or analog debate has really cost me some time. Anyway …

I’ll also return to using this to learn and practice html, CSS, and JavaScript.

I’m dropping some notes from this morning here and will sort them out later.

Pages to create

  1. why? Decisions I’ve made about this site and some thinking behind the decision. Or maybe decisions I should use the sidebar.
  2. time – how I track time and why (already with the circularity)
  3. creativity hour – the who, what, when, where, why, how, and how many of that upcoming project – or is it a process
  4. idea bank – I’ve attempted to put this out into the world before, and I’ll try again because I mentioned it to someone yesterday and found that it’s still in my head
  5. open loops that surface as I declutter physical and digital piles and files related to the past few years of saying I’d start and maintain an online presence here at
  6. ?How’s that novel series coming along?
  7. table of contents (TOC) for foundation pages [. ] should be sidebar ?> more about foundation pages later
  8. writing about writing to develop a consistent practice.

Thoughts to flesh out – also will involve page creation

  1. my artistic imagery – I’m a visual artist but I don’t/can’t draw. Of course, “I can’t draw,” means I just don’t like to and/or my outputs are not what I want. In truth, I’ve never spent any focused time outside of art school courses on drawing. Even during those classes I wasn’t really focused. They didn’t try to teach you to draw but put up a model and said, “draw”. So I spent more than half my time thinking about what to do. Anyway, … more on that later
  2. I started the artistic imagery line of thinking and again spiraled back to typography. Words, letters, symbols are the imagery I’ve always been interested in. Symbols: adinkra, universal, others
  3. compiling a pantheon of inspirational motivators – this idea has come back to me as I listen to Brian Johnson in the Heroic App.
  4. what does the International Space Station have to do with me?


I’ll just add dates here until I figure out another ?better way – is it even necessary ?

  • CuriousCitizen log 202407251356